Mi Toronja, 2016. Installation view, Lychee One gallery, London, UK.
Guava Jelly on Crackers, 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 182 x 182 cm.
Warm Sugarcane Juice, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste and found objects on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Tocororo Wing, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, found cables, buttons on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Timid Squid (Peau d’Orange), 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, found cables, woven label, orange peel, coffee stirrers and buttons on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Camellia Pearls, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, found cables, woven label, honda civic emblem, fake pearl, plastic rope, artist made ornaments on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Ro-Beca, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, found cables, woven label, honda civic emblem, fake pearl, plastic rope, artist made ornaments on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
A Dreamers Eyelash, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, found cables, orange peel, snus, cap label, buttons, palm rope, burnt sunglasses on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Untitled, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, cables, orange peel, snus on canvas, 34 x 40.5 cm.
Warm Sugarcane Juice (Detail), 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste and found objects on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Timid Squid (Peau d’Orange) (Detail), 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste, found cables, woven label, orange peel, coffee stirrers and buttons on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.