get me to the roof on time, 2019. Installation view, House of Egorn, Berlin, DE.
Dawnbringer, 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on linen, 204 x 154 cm.
Lanternband, 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on linen, 204 x 154 cm.
Nestwalker, 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on linen, 204 x 154 cm.
Chasm Restored, 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on linen, 204 x 154 cm.
Roof V (Delta Hi-Fi), 2019. Timber, house paint and steel, dimensions variable.
Ala de Tocororo (trogon bird wing), 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on canvas, framed, 172 x 125 cm.
Steel Against Shadow, 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.
Conducta (conduct), 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on linen, 167 x 121 cm.
Ashes, Ashes, 2019. Acrylic, modelling paste, sand and found objects on canvas, 167 x 121 cm.