ESOL Parcheesi, 2016. Installation view, Roman Road gallery, London, UK. Timber, clay, glass, steel, installation dimensions variable.
ESOL Parcheesi, 2016. Installation detail, Roman Road gallery, London, UK. Timber, clay, glass, steel, installation dimensions variable.
Chocking on Multicoloured Scarves, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste and found objects on canvas, 196 x 265 cm.
Cha Cha Cha! to Che Che Che Che!, 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste and found objects on canvas, 196 x 265 cm.
Cha Cha Cha! to Che Che Che Che! (Detail), 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste and found objects on canvas, 196 x 265 cm.
Chocking on Multicoloured Scarves (Detail), 2016. Acrylic, modelling paste and found objects on canvas, 196 x 265 cm.